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Advertising of 2017 Yangtze River Three Gorges International Marathon (Chongqing-Zhongxian)

About the Project:
2017 Yangtze River Three Gorges International Marathon (Chongqing-Zhongxian) attracted 5,405 marathon athletes and lovers from China and several countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mexico, and the United States.

Achievements of Promotion:
1.Media coverage: Live TV broadcast and internet
CCTV, China Sports Daily, China Tourism News, China News, Xinhua Net, Chongqing TV, Chongqing Daily, Chongqing Times, Toutiao, and CQNews have covered the event on site. More than 40 media and 200 journalists from Sina, NetEase, Guangming, Xinhua Net, People.cn, Eastday, Economic Times, Chongqing Morning News, Tencent Chongqing, and Yundong Chongqing have been in the coverage.

2.Online live streaming: The number of audience exceeded 1.96 million
Yundong Chongqing, QQ Live and Zhongxian Daily Live have provided live broadcast throughout the event, attracting 3.56 million audiences At the peak moment, 1.96 million people watched the live broadcast. . There were 50,000 audiences at most on site.
Averagely, everyone posted 61 times on their social network during the event.

3. 5 levels of media coverage
Mainstream media coverage still dominated the publicity, supported by online and new media. There were 371,000 Baidu search results. The coverage covered the entire country with more than a million population.
A total of over 100,000 clicks of the live broadcast
Four major live streaming platforms, including Yundong Chongqing, Yi Live, Huajiao and QQ Live, provided live broadcast of the launching ceremony of the training camp and the first class that followed. There were a total of 135,493 live clicks and 112,817 playback clicks. Averagely, the views per video were 53,682 and the peak concurrent users were over 90,000.